tisdag 19 november 2013

Kpop: Brand Newjiq (브랜뉴직)

I'm not usually that keen on R&B and even more so asian R&B as I then dont even understand what they are singing. The new "Stay By Me" with Brand Newjiq is an exception. It's a duo consisting of singer/producer Francis and rapper Hoody, but as far as I can tell Francis has taken a step into the background on this one and Hoody has really taken the center stage, and *wow* how he does it well. The second thing is the guitar which must be the best guitar sounds I have ever heard in an asian song. I mean they really like them 80s guitar solos in the east, but this kind of sensitive and emotional backing to the vocals makes me think of for example Gary Moore where the instrument almost carries the whole song. The guitarist is called Captain CyrusNine at has a Twitter account.

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