Time has come to write about another of the Hello Project!-constellations, "Berryz Kobo" ("Berryz Wokshop"), with Sakazi Shimu heading her seven members. I have noted before how funny Japanese styling can be with the example of "Wish I could have stayed much longer", where the 18-21 year old girl get decked out in clothing making them (in my eyes) look like small girls who raided their mothers closets. It is endearing and and embarassing at the same time, but to be honest all the Hello Project! groups (especially C-ute and Juice=Juice) have this style. Add texts with english translations in the same style (the last few years) and you have a distinct style that makes me actually happy each time a new Hello Project! track is released. The new "Erotic Rock" may sound like something Not Safe For Work, but it is really harmless if you don't count bunny ears and a wish for more than "just" love in the texts. (^_^)
- Berryz Kobo - Erotic Rock (ROCKエロティック)
- Berryz Kobo - Wish I could have stayed with you longer (もっとずっと一緒に居たかった)
- Berryz Kobo - Love is always inside you (愛はいつも君の中に)
- Berryz Kobo - I'm an adult! (大人なのよ!)
- Berryz Kobo - Usually, you can't keep being an idol for 10 years?! (普通、アイドル10年やってらんないでしょ!?)
- Berryz Kobo - 130 Million Diet-Minded Country (1億3千万総ダイエット王国)
- Berryz Kobo - Loving you too much
- Beryyz Kobo - Goodbye to the lying me (サヨナラ ウソつきの私)
- Berryz Kobo - Golden China Town (ゴールデン チャイナタウン)
- Berryz Kobo - Asian Celebration (アジアン セレブレイション)
- Berryz Kobo - Why dont we become Heroines! (ヒロインになろうか!)
- Berryz Kobo - Cha Cha SING
- Berryz Kobo - Serious Bomber! (本気ボンバー!)
- Berryz Kobo - Be Lively (You can do it if you try!) (Be 元気<成せば成るっ!))
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